


Project is supported by Slovenian Ministry of culture and Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin.



The project METAMORPHOSIS appeals to the transformation, both of people and objects, which happens with the merging process in a new cultural environment.

Nelizabeta Star handbags are composed of modular units that give them unique triangular structure and intricate three-dimensional surface.

The artworks selected as the basis for a pattern will be transformed in the process of modular bag assembly. The original images get an entirely new character and enrich the bags with the creative contribution of selected creators.

A collection of unique handbags will also be presented on photos shot by Berlin photographer Sarah Engler.




Berlin-based painter and graphic designer, Falk Land comes from graffiti and progressively transitioned to mural painting and visual art.

The artwork selected fort he exhibition is painting made with mixed media technique on a carton. Mastering a large range of techniques on various media, Falk often mixes up realistic figures and abstract forms. The same concept is expressed on the bags where the original image randomly morphs into a triangular bag grid.


The creative duo consisting of the couple Maja Matovic and Christian Schärmer of designstudio PROXI.ME experiment in their projects with private photos shot and manipulated on their phones. Their design provocatively plays with layers and provokes the viewer to look for under the surface. Juicy images and hidden details are revealed to the courious observer thus questioning the line between vouyerism and self-expression.


M Store is platform , Concept Store and Atelier dedicated to promote sustainability in the Fashion Industry. They work exclusively with artists who also value people, the environment and creativity. Their aim is to merge all types of art together, believing that connectivity breeds opportunity that leads to innovation. For this collaboration we collected discarded Taurpaulin posters to be used as a fabric source for new bags. Creative upcycling creates the bridge between Nelizabeta and the city.


Sarah is a Berlin-based photographer living in a world of colour. Her inspiration ranges from large-scale architectural composition to iridescence candy wrappers blowing through the wind.

The catalyst for this exhibition is the concept of metamorphosis, driven by the realization that the life of an image is not fixed after it is captured. Rather, the life-span of a photograph continues to develop even after it is hung on a gallery wall.



Neli Štrukelj was awarded a Master of Arts degree by the Univeristy of Ljubljana for her studies at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Arts. For her exceptional bag collection she received Prešeren student Award and  received the Prize for the Promising Young Designer. She was a finalist of the American “Independent Handbag Designer Awards” in the category Best Green Handbag. As a member of SOTO Society, she received the "Elle style awards" for the outstanding achievements in the field of fashion.